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You are reading the Privacy Policy of nursecareerpromotion.com

What data or information do we collect?

We collect information given by you on our website. We have a contact form for you to communicate with us.

We only have access to collect the information that you voluntarily offered us like your Name, Address, Email address, or Country name.

How secure is your data?

We always use safety measures so that we could keep your data safe. We won’t sell or trade your data with anyone or any third party websites and vendors.

Your name and your query will be kept anonymous and won’t be shown publicly without your proper consent. Your privacy is of extreme importance to us. So to make it safe and secure, we have limited the number of people to have access to our database.

Do we use cookies?

Yes, we do. Cookies are the smaller files that contain information. When you visit a site it sends cookies to your computer. Your computer stores that information in your web browser so that next time when you visit the same site, it doesn’t take too much time to load.

Cookies keep track of user’s activity on a website. Different types of cookies keep track of different activities.
It is always your choice to accept or decline the storage of cookies on your web browser. You can always delete the cookies by going to your browser’s configuration setting.

Terms and Conditions

We may update our privacy policy without prior notice. So you will have to visit our site to know about policy updates.

We reserve the right to bring change to our site at any time. Read our disclaimer page to know more.
If you feel like communicating with us regarding our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.


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