+18328886718     |     info@nursecareerpromotion.com     |     09:00 - 18:00  


message from the CEO image

Nurse Career Promotion [NCP] promises to provide excellent NCLEX Preparation services. We offer end-to-end advising and application management services for Nurse interested to work and settle in USA.

We communicate with embassies, consulates, agencies, hospitals and other relevant departments on a regular basis. As a result, our consultants are familiar with the most recent standards and laws. We have a team of caring, experienced, and up-to-date personnel to oversee the application process and advise students on how to submit their documents properly.

Our experts will be on board to provide consistent advice and monitor as you work toward your goal. Our expert counselors will assess on your academic background, and assist in nursing career, Job placement, information on Green card process and sponsorship that may help for your spouse and children as well.

The NCLEX-RN test plan provides a concise summary of the content and scope of the exam. It serves as a guide for both exam development and candidate preparation.


108+ learning Resources

150+ Practise Questions

60+ Video Courses

10+ Mock Exams

Become a registered Nurse in the USA

Passing the NCLEX-RN exam is a gateway to the US permanent residency.
Don't miss the lifetime opportunity.